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Peace Symposium Jolo Philppines

Writer's picture: Mohammad Rasheed Mahamud HedingMohammad Rasheed Mahamud Heding

Nuruddin Garingan Moh.Razari, Muallim Jamaat Simunul

On the 29th of January 2023 Jamaat Ahmadiyya Jolo held their 1st Jolo Peace Symposium at Asturias Street in the Big Bites Hotel & Resto Building 3rd floor, the theme for the Peace Symposium was "The True Understanding about Jihad."

The Program was started in the morning 9:00am 20 Minutes Video presentation introduction about the Ahmadiyya community worldwide was First set viewed and seen by our participants,

Then after this the Program was officially started and opening remarks & emcee lead by tuan Fausi Arasani the President Jamaat Ahmadiyya Jolo

To welcoming our guest and participants by recitation of the Holy Qur'an Surah Al-Hajj Verse 40-41 & also the translations was recited by Khadim Masroor Ahamadul.

Going to the 1st speaker the topic is "Kasambuhan sin Islam" by Imam of Jolo Jamaat Ahmadiyya Tuan Mohammad Razari Ahamadul The topic was almost 40 minutes the topic was so broad, regarding humanity, Religion & some different Belief of Jamaat Ahmadiyya to others Muslim, then love/ haq for the people & love/ haq to God, then the second and the key note speaker the topic "JIHAD ha Pamandangan sin Islam" was presented by Tuan Faisal Heding the National Sec. Tabligh & Missionary Jama'at Ahmadiyya Philippines

the lectures were also broad, was started with the ayah regarding Jihad & theme of the event The True Understanding about Jihad, what was the real & First Jihad Presented by Rasulullah saw.

and soon after that, have a questions & Answers session, then program ended successfully with a closing prayer.

it was a successful Peace 'Symposium Alhamdulillah

A total of attendees was 38 participants.

Then after lunch 1:00pm- 2:00pm was held a tarbiyyat program to the lajna, requested by Hadja Farhana Ahamadul to give a short message to the lajna jolo what are those responsibilities & duties being a lajna Imaillah by Tuan Faisal Heding then after that short intro explaining about my department Rishta Nata & Waqfi Nou Alhamdulillah Jazakumullah Ahsanal Jaza.

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